Professional Studies - Music Certificate (Graduate)

准备成为一名独奏家或与乐队合奏的表演者 Professional Studies - Music Certificate (Graduate)PG电子试玩平台博耶音乐舞蹈学院. This highly specialized, 18-credit, 全日制证书课程是专门为已经达到硕士后水平或寻求专业发展培训的学生在一个表演领域提供严格的培训. Over one year, 您将通过私人课程和根据您的个人需求选择的选修课程专注于您的乐器.

该计划的课程整合了音乐学院的方法,因此您可以学习歌剧或声乐职业所需的先进技术和教学法, or to play in an orchestra or symphony.  

你可以选择器乐演奏,比如铜管乐器, 大提琴, classical guitar, double bass, historical keyboard instruments, 歌剧, percussion, 钢琴, 中提琴, violin 和 woodwinds, as well as 歌剧 or voice. 完善你的音乐修养,了解音乐事业的要求和要求. 你将与其他学生合作,作为你的合奏经验的一部分,课程包括音乐理论选修课, music history or performance practice. Learn more about the curriculum for your discipline.

Guided by award-winning 教师 members, 其中超过一半的人在费城交响乐团有座位, you’ll receive h和s-on, 专门指导,帮助塑造你未来的音乐事业. 作为坦普尔表演和电影艺术中心的一部分, 专业研究研究生证书的学生有机会获得最先进的性能, recording 和 rehearsal facilities, 包括新闻大厅和PG电子试玩平台APP表演艺术中心.

Classes 和 Curriculum

课程根据专业学习证书课程的工具而有所不同, 虽然每个课程都包含重要的表演经验.


  • Instrumental Ensembles, two terms of
  • Professional Studies in Applied Music.


  • Instrumental Ensembles,
  • Orchestral Repertoire, two terms of
  • Professional Studies in Applied Music.


  • Ensemble, Accompanying, Literature or Repertoire, two terms of
  • Professional Studies in Applied Music.

In the Opera curriculum, courses include

  • Opera Role Preparation
  • Opera Vocal Lessons.



专业研究研究生证书课程旨在为学生提供追求音乐事业所需的高级表演经验. 毕业生为成为独奏音乐家或在合奏和管弦乐队担任关键角色做好准备.

Career Services

As a Temple student, 在找工作或实习期间,你也可以访问大学的就业中心寻求支持. 顺便拜访一下,或者安排一个30分钟的指导会议,讨论一下你的职业简介的组成部分, including your résumé 和 LinkedIn presence.

Career services can provide

Learn more about Temple’s Career Center.

Woman in a chair holding a clarinet.

Tuition & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 该研究生证书提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, more. 这些学费适用于2023-2024学年.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,187.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,583.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.

Boyer Scholarships

专业学习证书学生可获得学费奖学金. However, graduate assistantships, including academic internships, teaching assistantships 和 research assistantships, are not available. 所有奖项都是高度竞争的,并基于学术和艺术卓越的记录.

For more information, contact

Edward Flanagan他是负责学生事务的副院长兼副教授. 
电话: 215-204-8301
电子邮件: 爱德华。


Instrumental Ensembles
Choral Ensembles

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